The Sun Is Also A Star Book Review

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“There’s a Japanese phrase that I like: koi no yokan. It doesn’t mean love at first sight. It’s closer to love at second sight. It’s the feeling when you meet someone that you’re going to fall in love with them. Maybe you don’t love them right away, but it’s inevitable that you will.” – Daniel Bae

Daniel Jae Ho Bae, a Korean guy who really believes in destiny and so into poetry but living up his parents’ high expectations which wanted him to be a doctor. On the opposite side, there was Natasha Kingsley, a Jamaican girl who believed in science and facts, who was going to be deported in less than twenty-four hours.

“Still, getting over him didn’t take that long at all. And that’s the thing that makes me wary. Where did all those feelings go? People spend their whole lives looking for love. Poems and songs and entire novels are written about it. But how can you trust something that can end as suddenly as it begins?” – Natasha Kingsley

Unlike Daniel, Natasha never believed in such thing as fate and such thing like fall in love cause it can’t be scientifically proven. Since these two met for the first time, Daniel is moonstruck over her and trying to convince her that they were meant to be together.

“I know there’s no such thing as meant-to-be, and yet here I am wondering if maybe I’ve been wrong.” – Natasha Kingsley

I like the way Nicola Yoon addresses racial prejudices between non-white groups. As an Asian myself who was born in an interracial family and knows the struggle, I find it so interesting and relatable, especially the conversation Daniel had with his parents about his future (every Asian kid struggle is real lol).

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Well, I enjoyed this book but too many coincidences which made me think this is not really realistic. Just like on Daniel’s POV: “I grin at her, dying to know how her scientific brain is going to deal with this epic level of coincidence”. Yes Daniel, epic level of coincidence, that is why the story seems unrealistic.

So they met for the first time, then meet again and again. But then I think if something is really meant to be, no matter how strange and impossible it will be, it will find its way. (So you can say I’m on Daniel’s side because i do believe in destiny). It’s strange how everything’s changed in one day, like this morning you didn’t know you were going to meet someone and at the end of the day that person means something to you.

“I didn’t know you this morning, and now I don’t remember not knowing you.” –Daniel Bae

I love the twist on the epilogue, but i’m not gonna give you spoiler cause you really need to read and enjoy this book by yourself! I gave 4/5 and calling all YA contemporary book fans! You will love this book!

“Everything’s irie means everything’s all right.”

– Giana

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